Sunday, July 4, 2010

It's Time to stop patronizing Time Magazine's advertisers especially those advocating man-made global warming

My personal view is Time Magazine should not purchased nor its advertisers patronized. Using Time's logic, if Dick Cheney had been accused of a crime while at Halliburton, and Halliburton did an in depth investigation and found him innocent, Time would shout from its rooftops, "Score one for Dick Cheney! Halliburton has cleared him of all charges!"
  • It is obvious Time Magazine would never do that, nor should it or anyone for that matter. But it just screamed a big lie about so-called climate science, Penn State, and Michael Mann. The entire basis for its cheer leading of global warming rests on the assumption of climate crimes by evil Americans who are causing sinking islands in the Indian Ocean and must pay billions in "reparations" to UN racketeers and third world dictators. The last paragraph of NRDC's mission statement says its goal is social justice. The global warming scam is not about science.
7/2: "Time magazine, for example, writes, “Score a win for climate science: Penn State University announced today that climate scientist Michael Mann had been cleared of all scientific misconduct charges…”"..."Global warming funding is a gravy train for universities, with the government spending literally billions of dollars each year on global warming research. The universities that receive the most government funding are those that most prominently assert a global warming crisis.

Accordingly, objective observers have long predicted the university’s internal review of Mann’s conduct would amount to nothing more than snake oil salesmen circling the wagons to protect their vested interests. Penn State lived up (or down) to all expectations yesterday by clearing Mann of all alleged misconduct, despite the explicit and irrefutable evidence contained in the Climategate emails (some of which they acknowledged).

  • While Penn State’s conduct was sadly predictable, the mainstream media has been equally predictable – and equally devoid of all objectivity and credibility – in unquestioningly championing Penn State’s internal review as “proof” that Mann did nothing wrong, despite the irrefutably damning evidence of the Climategate emails.

Time magazine, for example, writes, “Score a win for climate science: Penn State University announced today that climate scientist Michael Mann had been cleared of all scientific misconduct charges…”

And “Score a win for shamefully biased leftist cheerleaders disguised as objective journalists…”"...

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